The other side of tea

2021 Nanmei Yesheng Bai Ya

The Yesheng Bai Ya Nanmei, or Wild Tea Tree White Buds, is a pure bud white tea, particularly rich and complex, produced from original wild trees of the small valley of Nanmei. The trees grow freely in the middle of the forest, in uniquely abundant natural surroundings, far from human habitat, at an altitude of 2400 m up to 3000 m. They are then sun-dried by Mrs. Oyang, who also takes care of the transformation of the Nanmei old-tree and wild-tree puerh teas. It took several years of work and improvement to reach its present excellence, which is incomparable to what can be found on the market under similar names. Apart from coming from an ecological and totally natural environment, it is free of any trace of caffeine. Its taste reflects the richness of the trees it comes from, and its soft aromas, without any bitterness, are surprisingly dense for white tea. It can handle boiling water brewing, large teapots, or numerous amounts of gaiwan infusions, and is also excellent as a cold brew.

Weight: 100gProducer: SKU N/A Categories: , Tags: , ,


Format: Loose-leaf
Producer: O Yang
Type: White tea
Trees: Wild trees
Garden: Wild
Altitude: of 2400 m up to 3000 m
Origin: Lincang, Linxiang, Nanmei
Harvest: Early spring 2021
Oxidation: None

Strong points
100% handcrafted, pure, and delicate white tea
Harvest of buds only
Beautiful buds, fresh, flexible, and furry
True wild tea trees growing in the middle of the forest
The tea trees harvested at the altitude of 2400 m to 3000 m
Micro-production of less than 300 kg per year
A transparent and perfectly pure liquor
Great gustatory intensity (uncommon for white tea)
Can bear numerous infusions, at any temperature
Totally natural and ecological
Free of any trace of caffeine


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